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Watch the enemy AND cost them money while you're at it!
the Brady bunch

the million moron mommies

a powerful U.N. connected "non governmental organization" or NGO

hard core U.S. based old school handgun banners

a directly U.N. CONTROLLED international gun ban group

another U.N. connected NGO gun ban group designed to wear down Americans and brainwash them

a U.N. connected NGO gun ban group in South Africa that succeeded as designed by it's U.N. masters

Get the U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. the hell out of the U.S.!!
  The global establishment is simply playing a waiting game, for us to give up, wear out, or just plain forget
The evil system of globalism has established not just it's tentacles, but a hold on power in every nation that has a international banker controlled central bank: and that would mean effectively all nations. That system is powerful enough to establish non governmental organizations (NGOs) to chip away at any threat to globalist power. Since the powers that be create $$ out of thin air, with which they fund these NGOs, these U.N. connected gun ban groups will never run out of funding. They'll be around as long as needed and can last until we are more fully brainwashed out of our hard core liberties. The real solution is to of course, close down their mother whore by repealing the illegal Federal Reserve act and freeing one's nation from any and all obligations to the international banking establishment.

I linked this image to the U.N.'s website so all can read the U.N.holy U.N. charter and compare it to our Constitution and Bill of Rights!

Bushie should have attacked Kanada it would've done more good!